
God is all love, because God is totally free

The first step in being fully loving is that you must fully love your Self. And this can not be possible if you think you're born in sin, and are basically evil.

If you believe that human beings are by nature non-confidence and evil, you are creating a society that supports this view, then enact laws, approve the rules, regulations, and impose restrictions that are justified by the same.

If you believe that human beings are by nature, trustworthy and good, it will create an entirely different kind of society where laws, rules, regulations, restrictions, and is rarely required. The first society limits freedom, liberty, secondly, to give.

God is all love, because God is totally free. To be fully free is to be completely happy, because the full freedom creates space for each joyful experience. Freedom is the basic nature of God. It is also the basic nature of the human soul. The extent is not fully free is the amount that is not completely happy and that is the extent to which you are not totally loved.

Too fully love means to be totally free.

We must allow everyone can do whatever they want.

This is how God loves. God allows everyone to do what they want.

It is normal in your society to punish. Is abnormal in their partnership to allow more than a consequence of imposed to unfold.

The penalties are in your ad that you are too impatient to wait for a natural result. The penalties range from a decision someone else has done wrong.

The consequences are the experience of something does not work. That is, not to produce a desired result.

In other words, they learn quickly from punishment, because we see them as something that someone else is doing for us. More easily learn the consequences, because we see something we do to ourselves.

The greatest punishment they have devised is withholding your love. You have shown their offspring that if they behave in certain ways, they retain their love. It is by granting and withholding of love I have tried to regulate and modify, to control and create the behaviors of their children.

This is something that God never would.

True love never leaves. And that's what it means to love fully.

I am love. You do not have to practice what one is, just is.

I am the love that knows no sickness, or limitation of any kind.

I am totally loving and totally love means being willing to give all sentient beings be free to be mature, do and have what they want.

Even if you know it will be bad for them?

It is for you to decide that for them.

Even our children?

If ripe sentient beings, no. If children are grown, no. And if you are not yet mature, the fastest way to bring your own maturity is to allow the freedom to choose as many as possible as soon as possible.

This is what makes love. Love lets go. What is called need, and often confused with love, does the opposite. Need grabs. This is how you can tell the difference between love and need. Love lets go, the need grabs.

So to totally love, I let

Among other things, yes. Let go of trust, leaving aside the requirements and rules and regulations imposed on their loved ones. For unloved if they are restricted. Not quite.

Neither you, do you not love yourself completely when you are limited when you give less than total freedom in any case.

However, remember that elections are no restrictions. So do not call the choices they have made of the restrictions. And with love to provide for their offspring, and all your loved ones, all information that you feel you may have to help them make good choices - "good" is defined here as the most likely to produce a certain desired result, and as you know it is the most desired result: a happy life.

Share what you know about that. Offer what you have come to understand. However, do not try to impose their ideas, their rules, their choices on another and not deny their love must make decisions that others do not. In fact, if you believe that their choices have been poor, which is precisely the time to show your love.

That is compassion, and no greater expression.

What else can it mean to totally love?

That means being fully present at all times. To be fully aware. To be completely open, honest and transparent. It means to be fully prepared to express the love in your heart to be complete. To be fully love means being completely naked, without hidden agenda or ulterior motive, nothing hidden.

And you say that it is possible for human beings, for ordinary people like myself to achieve this love? This is something we are all capable?

It's just that you're able. It is what you are. This is the nature of Who You Are. The hardest thing to do is deny it. And you are doing this difficult thing every day. That's why your life feels so difficult. However, when you make it easier when you decide to come, to be who you really are - which is pure love, unlimited and unconditional, then your life becomes easy again. All the turmoil disappears, all the fight goes.

This peace can be achieved at any given time. The way that can be found by doing a simple question:

What would you like to do now?

This is a wonderful question, because you always know the answer. It's like magic. It is clean, like soap. There is the concern of being close. Washed doubt, fear. It bathes the mind with the wisdom of the soul.

It's true. By asking this question, you'll know immediately what to do. In any circumstance, under any condition, you know.